Monday, July 28, 2008

How to Wear a Kimono pt.1

Today I had the opportunity to go to Ebina and get dressed up in two traditional kimonos! It was a ton of fun and for the couple of hours that we were there I felt like a character out of Memoirs of a Geisha!!! 
Here the lady is tying a rope to make sure the Obi stays tight!
They even did my hair with a handmade comb!
All finished! There were several ladies taking pictures so I totally felt like a Japanese movie star!

How To...

The fancy knot in the back is called an Obi - it is very tight and I nearly fell over a couple times when they were trying to tie it!

Single for the hour! I was told that in most cases the longer sleeves means that the girl is unmarried while the shorter sleeves (the first kimono) indicates that the girl is married! I never would have known that!

Mission Impossible...

Ry has figured out how to crawl underneath the coffee table! Looks kind of tricky! Oh and as a side note - the other night he stood all by himself for around 15 seconds!!! Walking here we come!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Gorgeous Days!

Actually it was wicked hot, so we snapped these quickly and headed back into the air conditioning!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Walking Attempt...

Ahh, Those Teeth!

He's so cute!

I Miss....

Fallon Sunsets....

Clean Freak!

Well I was in Ry's bedroom getting everything off of the floor so I could vacuum, but when I came back into the hallway this is what I saw! Apparently he has watched me vacuum one too many times!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Ry at the Park!

Ry still loves to swing! It's the perfect end to a Summer day!

Pool Time!

This is what happens when a kid doesn't have enough hair to protect his head from the icky mess!

Ry and I have been spending a lot of our days at the pool - what else is there to do in the heat of the summer??? He loves the water and really loves splashing and throwing all the toys out of the pool! These were a couple of the few pictures I dared take for fear of getting the camera wet!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Ry's New Shenanigans!

So needless to say I have had to "Ryan-Proof" some of my kitchen cabinets!

Ry's New Shirt...

Complete with the ability to boost his ego when necessary! I got this for Ryan at a Japanese baby clothing and supply store this afternoon - it was so hilarious, I had to have it! Even the tag is funny, but my favorite line would have to be "Very popular among the friends"

Sneaky Man!

This is what I see when Ry follows me into the kitchen - what a cutie!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

That's My Boy!

Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to the blog! Ry and I have been spending our days at the pool and I guess I can blame it on "lazy summer days!"

Friday, July 4, 2008

Fourth of July in Japan!!!

After our long day in Tokyo Ryan and I came back, camped out on a blanket, listened to live music, and had a relaxing couple of hours before watching the fireworks!

Ry had a fun time discovering how to crawl in the grass - he was unsure of it at first, but it didn't stop him for long!
He also had fun dancing to the music - gotta love an Elvis cover!

Look Ma - No Hands!!

And no, he didn't end up falling! He got his balance just in time to grab back on to the stroller!

Workin' Boy!

Well Ry had his first photo shoot yesterday which was really neat. At first he was terrified of all the lights and strangers standing around - and of the male model that was supposed to hold him for the pictures! But he ended on a good note and I'm excited to see his magazine layout in September!!! Best of all - he got to wear designer duds! This is one of the shirts that he got to wear, its by No Added Sugar out of London :)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Ry's First Job!

Ryan got his first modeling job! He is going to be in a japanese magazine and his photo shoot is in Tokyo this Friday! It will be so neat to see him in print - the magazine should be out in September :) Here is the website to the magazine - not sure what kind it is!

Lil Blue Eyes

Well I was reading online that a baby's eye color should be permanent by their first birthday, so it looks like they'll stay grayblue :)