Saturday, August 30, 2008

Ry at IKEA!

What a snazzy lil highchair!

Monday, August 25, 2008


Well, the little booger is getting molars now and my goodness is it rough!! This picture was taken during one of our happier moments! Hopefully they will move in quickly so the lil guy can get back to his good ol' happy self!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Ry Standing

So this video is a tad old - I just realized that I never added it to the blog! As you can see, Ryan would only stand on his own when he wasn't paying attention! As soon as he realized what was happening, he would slowly lower himself back down to the floor!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Ry's Everest...

He thinks he's pretty hot stuff now that he can climb all the way up the stairs...too bad I had to burst his cute little bubble when I moved the upstairs baby-gate downstairs! Notice that he will make sure that I'm a couple steps behind him at all times, and if I'm not he will stop and wait for me - goofy kid!

Love The Giggler!

Ok, I may sound like a complete dork in this video - but when you have a kid that you can make laugh like this, it doesn't really matter!

Ry's New Fan

This a fan that was given to Ryan on one of our train rides! Ry was imitating the guy waving it, the guy thought it was cute, and give it to Ry! Daddy might not be thrilled that it's pink, but he looks too cute waving it around like a crazy person!


Now why don't mini-vans look that cool in the States?!?

Fuji San!

We were finally able to see Mt. Fuji the other day/night - the first time since the Spring!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Goofy Boy!

can't leave him alone for a minute!