Friday, September 26, 2008

Daddy is Home!

One last photo before we head to the ship!
Watching the USS George Washington in the distance!
Ryan had a blast waving his Diamondback Flag!
This is the same boat that Guy deployed on in Virginia Beach
Ryan and I watching the ship pull in!
They had traditional Japanese drummers to entertain the crowds!
It's always fun to see the sailors lining the deck!
We found Guy waiting on the ship's deck!
Watching all the guys *finally* get off the boat!
He's here!

Ryan and Dada getting their snuggle on!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fun At The Diamondback Hangar!

Today one of our jets came back from the ship carrying a couple guys home to see their families. Even though Guy wasn't one of them, a few wives went up to the hangar to welcome them home and show them some Diamondback support!
We got all dressed up in our Diamondback finest!
Ryan had so much fun trying to balance and walk on the metal tread...
Our skippers wife on the left, Ryan cheering, and our friend Melissa and Ry's buddy Madison!
Ugh, I love this picture of Ry with the jet in the background!
Little Mr. Independent wanted nothing to do with holding my hand or being held at all, he wanted to wander around all by himself! Works for me!
He was walking around like Frankenstein, squealing and clapping with excitement the whole time. He's a seriously happy kid most of the time!

Teething Snuggle Monster

Lately since his molars are still coming in (he is working on number four now!) Ryan has wanted to snuggle a LOT - and let me tell you he is very good at it!!!

But he always returns to his goofy self after a little while!

Look At Me!

I can eat with a fork!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Getting Ready!

Ry wanted to make sure his sign was just perfect for when Daddy comes home in a few days!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Self Medication!

Here is Ry trying to administer his own dose of Tylenol!
"This is ok, right Mommy?"

Check out tooth number twelve about to make it's grand entrance on the bottom right of the picture - yikes, that's gotta hurt! Daddy is in for a big surprise - when he left for the boat, Ry only had four!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Today I Learned The Importance Of....

Picking my battles! Ryan learned how to climb up on the coffee table all by himself this morning! I decided I had two choices... I could either A) drag him off the table repeatedly while telling him "NO!" repeatedly, and thus I would have to hear him cry....repeatedly. Or I could B) be a good mother to my little boy and make sure he doesn't bust his head open. I chose B! He was having so much fun and was so proud of himself I didn't have the heart to punish him for it! He actually ended up learning how to back himself off the table which he later used at the playground - so hey, it all worked out!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Ry's Favorite Park!

Ry had a blast climbing up the playground steps!
He was so focused on playing it was so hard to capture pictures!
Finally got his attention!
My lil sunshine!
He felt like SUCH a big boy!
and loved the slides!
Such a cutie!

We will definitely be back soon!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Ry's 1st Official Haircut!

Well i've trimmed it a few times, but this was his first trip to the Barber Shop! He did excellent at sitting still and letting the lady trim with scissors and then with the electric razor! I forgot to take a picture of him in the chair but i'll be sure to get one next time!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Pictures From Today!

Just a couple of monkeys!!
Ry loves to walk around like a big boy!

A classic Mom and Me shot!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Ry Walking!

Well he only takes 5-10 steps when coaxed, but it's a good start!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Almost there!!!

Ryan took 15 steps for me this morning! He looked completely proud of himself and wanted to try again so I set him back up and he walked another 13, 14, and 15 steps!! Any day now I'm going to have a toddler on my hands!