Saturday, November 29, 2008

Da Boat!

Last weekend we went with Daddy to Yokosuka to get all of his things off the USS George Washington!
Ry was just a tad sleepy :)
He had fun walking around the inside of the carrier with Daddy - this is where the jets are kept!
...And running up and down the hallways!
Daddy and one of his roommates packing up their room!
Ryan couldn't quite figure out how to step over these, so at least he was somewhat corralled!

He had fun attempting to go up the boat stairs! These are the ones that lead up to Daddy's room!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Daddy is Home!

Daddy came home on Thursday and all the families got together to watch the Daddies fly in!
Yay Diamondbacks!
Hanging with our buddies, waiting to see planes in the sky!
Ry wasn't feeling too well, but he had some fun running around the hangar!
Ryan loved the jets!
They are home!
Daddy was the third jet in this row...

More jets!
Daddy's jet!

Our first family picture...again!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Daddy is Almost Here!

This afternoon Ry and I went and took pictures with Daddy's callsign sign that the Diamondback wives put up near the hangars!

These kiddos sure are eager to have their daddies back!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

So Pretty

If it wasn't for all the colorful leaves on the ground, I would have sworn it was Spring today! There were butterflies everywhere, the birds were singing, it was a gorgeous, gorgeous day!
We could even see Mt. Fuji! It's the snow capped one.
I caught a fun picture of a bee - yes, I kept a very good distance!
Ry wasn't sure what to think of all the colorful leaves!

Gorgeous Day!

Well, it's only one o'clock and Ryan and I have already been on two walks and a trip to the park already! It is the most gorgeous Fall day!!!
I could not peel Ry away from this steering wheel!

I don't know where he was driving to, but he was having a good time!

Cutie Pie!

Ry's New Shirt :)

I couldn't resist!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Park Time!

A friend of ours told us about a park on another base that we hadn't been to yet, and I'm so glad we checked it out yesterday!
The view was amazing! Japan can seem kind of cramped at times, and my friend and I both agreed it kind of felt like a mini-vacation!
Ry had a fun time running around with his buddy!

And he even flew a plane! With three generations of pilots behind him,  I guess it was bound to happen!


I'm big enough for piggy-back rides now!

Saturday, November 8, 2008


The popular band Smashmouth visited the George Washington and Guy got a chance to watch them perform as well as meet them a couple times - lucky dog! I'm not jealous or anything, I swear! *wink*

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Guam VII

Daddy and Ryan watching the sunset on the beach - I love this picture!
"I'm finally getting the hang of this sand thing!"
Ry and Mama at sunset :)

Guam VI

"Daddy let me down so I can go play!"
Gorgeous view!
Beautiful beach!

I never realized how much I missed palm trees!

Guam V

Ryan and Daddy getting ready to hit the sand!
The water was so crystal clear in the morning!
Daddy and Mama shot!
Ah yeaaaahhhh, we bad!

Still my baby :)

Guam IV

Yay, Daddy is here!!! It was awesome to see the George Washington parked nearby!
The view makes the ship seem so small!
Our Fam!
A little cove on our beach.

A Mama and Ry shadow!

Guam III

Ryan felt like such a big boy when he pushed the elevator button all by himself!
Ry and Daddy's favorite game was Pillow Fort!!!
Too much fun!
Such a cutie!