Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Monday, March 30, 2009

New Fam Pic!

What a trouper!

"Mommy made me get my hair cut and all I got was a lousy lolly"
Contrary to the look on his face, he actually did really well :)
He looks like a little man when he eats these - very precise and always with the pinky out!
With a big lip smack at the end...of course :)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Nagano 2009

C'mon Mommy, I'm ready to go!
It was a perfect day for a road trip!
We had a gorgeous view of Mt. Fuji when we stopped for lunch
Our friend's car broke down about an hour before we got there. Apparently you can't just buy transmission fluid in Japan so they ended up having to 'junk' their car and leave it since it was going to be more expensive to fix it than it would be to just buy a new car! Yikes!
Nothing like a little chocolate to bribe a little one out of breaking down in a tantrum!
and OH the giggles that followed!
Daddy even let Ry 'drive' while we waited!
A beautiful day turned into a beautiful night!
Ry and I went to go see snow monkeys with a group of our friends on Saturday, and the scenery was just breathtaking!
On the trail to the monkeys!
So pretty :)
Mommy, Ry, and a snow monkey!
The group that made the trek to see the monkeys!
Cutie Pie :)

Ry's serious side!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Ry at the Park

Here is what we usually do at the park on a beautiful day :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


A sunny day!
We were finally able to go out in the backyard without being soaked!

We even got to watch the sun set :)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Cutie Pie :)

A cute shot I took of Ryan playing outside this morning.... what you can't see is the red puppy pajama pants!

Belly Shot!

Here's the b.o.b. at 16 and a half weeks :)


Well, I thought we were almost out of the teething woods, but now it looks like Ry's 2-year molars are coming in a bit early - yuck! I took a few shots of what I usually see during the daytime!
Mommy it hurts here....

and here!

Second Snow in Japan!

The first one didn't stick!
Yum, tastes good to me!

Ry loved listening to it crunch beneath his feet :)