Sunday, June 28, 2009

Ryan's Birthday Painting

Last year I let Ry paint a canvas for his birthday and it turned out so neat I thought we would do it again this year!
He was very meticulous, only using the one finger most of the time!
I thought by adding one color to his pallette at a time it might reduce the mess!
He had so much fun!
Sweet boy and his masterpiece! 

The finished product... now I just have to find somewhere to hang it up!

Ry's Birthday

Ry's actual birthday was pretty low-key :)
When he came down for breakfast I let him open up a card that he got from his Great Granny and Papa..
He loved his 'Momo' (Elmo) card :)
The next day we had a birthday party at the park down the street! Here he is chillin' at his party table waiting for his buddies to arrive!
He learned how to swing on the big-boy swings and I couldn't pry him off them after that!
Swinging with some of his gal pals.
Sliding with his good buddy Maddie :)
They loved to swing on the bar and then slide down - squealing the whole time!
Ry's cake!


Friday, June 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Big Man!

It's the end of the day and I still can't believe that my sweet booger man is 2!!! Since his party is tomorrow we kept the day pretty low key, but did manage to have some fun and get some shots in at the park this afternoon :)
I'm going to revel in the day "Ry look at Mommy, Ry look at the camera... Hey you!! Over here!!!" actually works!
He likes to pick the clover flowers now that all the dandelions have gone.. too bad he thinks they work the same way if you blow on them!
Sweet boy and his baseball :)
This is definitely my favorite shot of the afternoon!
The Ry sad face :)

The typical Ry goofy face - pretty scary eh?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Ry the Giggle Box!

Yep, we pretty much do this every night! He tries to make it last as long as possible so he won't have to go to bed - sneaky man!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Missing Daddy

That's why we make our monthly calendar squares extra special for him!

Summer Time Means...

Pool Time!!!

He's still a bit wary of the water since it's been a while since we've been to the pool, but I'm sure he'll be comfortable in no time!

My Lil Bookworm!

Well Ry certainly takes after Mommy and Daddy - he LOVES books!
He will go upstairs and shut his bedroom door, climb into his rocker, and turn the pages over and over again!
He takes his book reading quite seriously :)
Sweet boy :)
He actually joined his first Summer Library Reading Program at the base library!!

He was so excited to have new books to 'read' :)

Brother Loves!

I asked Ry to come up and give 'baby' a hug :) Such a sweetie!


For those of you that didn't get to see the super cute shirt my gal pal let me borrow!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

My Latest Work

Well, I'm not convinced that it's completely finished yet, but I finally got it to a point where I could hang it on the wall and not stow it in the closet!
I'm thinking I might eventually put a thick high gloss coating on it to deepen the colors a bit...

But with the baby coming and Ry's scrapbook sitting unfinished in the corner, we'll see if that happens any time soon!!!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Enoshima Aquarium

On Monday we went to the Enoshima Aquarium!
I always see this image on Japanese post cards so I just HAD to get our picture in front of it :)
The main tank was huge - I could have sat in front of it for hours! The giant school of sardines was as relaxing as watching a lava lamp :)
Ry and a couple of his gal pals watching the fishies!
The jellies were gorgeous...
So graceful yet so deadly!
Beautiful :)
I just barely snapped this before he got down to run around like a crazie!

Look Mama, a jellyfish!