Sunday, July 24, 2011

Last Dinner at The Fish Tank!

Since we'll be leaving Japan in just over a week we knew we had to have one last dinner at our favorite sushi place - The Fish Tank! The family that owns it has treated us like family over the years and we are really really going to miss it!
Ryan insisted on taking a picture of Nathan and I before he would allow me to take a picture of him! Goober!
Ryan's dinner! He used to just eat off of my plate, but now he orders his own! He finished every bite too!
My 'usual' - YUM!! From left to right: Negitoro rolls (tuna chopped up with green onion), Tuna Norimake rolls (chunk of fresh tuna, a bit of wasabi), and fresh prawns with wasabi on rice :)
They always give the boys special treats - this time they gave Nathan some japanese potato salad - yummy!
Ryan found baby mussels in his miso soup!
Ryan was nice enough to let Nathan try one of his rolls... Ryan ended up eating the tuna out of the middle and Nathan finished the rest!
And a popsicle to finish off the meal!

The mussel graveyard! Ryan decided he wanted to try one and ended up eating all of these!! (except for the 3 or 4 that Nathan ate!)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Here and There...

I think it's safe to say, by the looks of his face, that this kid LOVES his cinnamon toast in the morning!
We added some more legos to our collection!
Walking into the kitchen wearing Daddy's shoes - nothing to see here!
Digging in!
Ryan wanted a picture of our shadows on the way to the park one afternoon :)
Da Belly at 24 weeks :)
Ryan showed me how to pose for this one - he took the picture himself!
Nathan and Mama :)

Of course Daddy's boots go with jammies!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Bit of This and That..

I can always count on this guy to say 'cheese'
Little gal is certainly growing! The belly at 22 weeks :)
We went out for mexican food and of course had to watch some trains from the parking lot!
Little one loves trains as much as...
this one does!
Having a 'driving' lesson :)
My 3 loves!
A fun view :)
Ryan checking out a huge tent in an outdoors store
Nathan looked so cute singing along to the radio with his leg crossed!
... then Ryan wanted a picture of his nilla wafer... goober!
All ready to head to the park!
They held hands and I'm still not sure what Ryan was explaining to Nathan!
Ryan held his hand the whole way to the park - SO cute!
Pool time!
Splashing is so much fun!
They would stay out there all day if I let them!
Whoops, Nathan found the hose!
A new way to slide!
Hanging with Mama :)
Love those eyes!
Being shy!
All ready to go to the pool!
Getting shoes on :)

Nathan acquired some super cool shades while we were there!

Fourth of July 2011!

Getting ready for the Fourth of July Parade on base - as you can tell from looking at Nathan... it was HOT!!!
The local japanese school marching band!
Nathan decided to help himself to a lollypop!
There weren't many kiddos on our side of the street so Ry ended up with loads of candy!
They had a petting zoo at the field and this little one was a favorite!!! SO very sweet :)
Ry liked the fluffy chicks :)
Enjoying the spoils of the parade!
So silly!
Trying to get a decent picture of these goobers can be difficult!
I guess it wasn't entertaining enough for Nathan!
After dinner we headed back to the field to get ready for the fireworks show. Ryan insisted on jumping in the giant giraffe jumpy house - he was a bit excited :)

Fourth of July Fam!