Sunday, December 28, 2008

Ry's Christmas Nemesis...

Gift Bags!

Ry's Christmas Bear!

He toted this one all around the house listening to "Twas the Night Before Christmas"


Here are some pictures from Ryan's second Christmas! He was very much NOT interested in looking at the camera and VERY interested in opening presents, so this is what we ended up with!
We let him open up a few on Christmas Eve which is why he is wearing two different sets of jammies! This is the first gift he chose from under the tree :)
He was very precise when it came to opening them up and would hand us each little piece of paper or tape that he ripped off!
Yay, let's tackle this one next!
He had fun opening up the little cards and 'reading' them :)
My very first soccer ball! He always loved it when the big kids would let him play with theirs on the playground.
This was the only way I could get him to sit still in the wrappings for a picture...with the soccer ball!
Christmas morning jammies!
Reading Christmas cards!
Opening more presents!

Playing with a new toy!

Rock On!

Check out Ry's new "after bath" look!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Bowling Night!

This past Sunday evening we went with some friends to the lanes on base!
Ryan had so much fun clapping and cheering for everyone - he was glued to the action!
He even got a chance to bowl!
He had a great time pushing the bowling ball down the ramp and always got so excited to see it knock down pins!
Ryan did far better than I did! I think he ended the night with a 115 point score!

A few pics...

Ryan had fun playing in his 'bubble bath!' He had a great time kicking around and watching as Daddy made it 'snow' all around him!
Then he tried on Daddy's boots! He wasn't sure what to think of them!

That evening we wore the jammies that GG bought :)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Boogie Time!

Ry has re-found his groove!

Ry Chuckle

Ok, so Ryan has developed this 'fake' chuckle that he uses ALL the time now! He will babble out loud and then chuckle as if he said something truly witty, and yes, he also uses it as his pity laugh when he thinks you are trying to be funny! goof!

Lots of Random Pictures!

Well, rather than do several separate posts, I thought I would just cram them all into one to save time and space!
I like to call this picture "RyBrows" Yes, those are the sticky dividers that come in a book of stamps, I thought they made Ryan look like a comic book villain!
We are dog-sitting for a little while and Ry thought it would be fun to check out her kennel :)
Ry at the park!
Love this picture! I have no idea what he was concentrating so hard on!
This is what happens when you combine a toddler and a subwoofer.... not a good combination!

Ry looking at his handiwork - 9 wooden blocks, a foam baseball, and a sock!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

New Pictures!

Finally some Mommy and Daddy shots!
This one was taken at our Squadron Christmas party...

This one was taken at the Officer's Club while watching the Army vs. Navy game at 2:00 in the morning! Navy won 34-0!!!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Santa Video!

Yay, I finally got it to work!

Kids Christmas Party!

Tonight we had the children's Christmas party at the squadron hangar!
Ry wanted to be held by Daddy most of the time!
He thought the jet was pretty cool!
We even got our family picture taken in it, and Ry had a blast pretending to fly it!
Santa came by for a visit too! The alarms you hear in the video are from the hangar doors opening, and that's Santa himself arriving in the jet! (Having trouble uploading the video...will keep trying!)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Ryan Plays Wii!

Ryan had a ton of fun playing Wii bowling all by himself! Of course he asked for help every now and then!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Da Boat!

Last weekend we went with Daddy to Yokosuka to get all of his things off the USS George Washington!
Ry was just a tad sleepy :)
He had fun walking around the inside of the carrier with Daddy - this is where the jets are kept!
...And running up and down the hallways!
Daddy and one of his roommates packing up their room!
Ryan couldn't quite figure out how to step over these, so at least he was somewhat corralled!

He had fun attempting to go up the boat stairs! These are the ones that lead up to Daddy's room!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Daddy is Home!

Daddy came home on Thursday and all the families got together to watch the Daddies fly in!
Yay Diamondbacks!
Hanging with our buddies, waiting to see planes in the sky!
Ry wasn't feeling too well, but he had some fun running around the hangar!
Ryan loved the jets!
They are home!
Daddy was the third jet in this row...

More jets!
Daddy's jet!

Our first family picture...again!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Daddy is Almost Here!

This afternoon Ry and I went and took pictures with Daddy's callsign sign that the Diamondback wives put up near the hangars!

These kiddos sure are eager to have their daddies back!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

So Pretty

If it wasn't for all the colorful leaves on the ground, I would have sworn it was Spring today! There were butterflies everywhere, the birds were singing, it was a gorgeous, gorgeous day!
We could even see Mt. Fuji! It's the snow capped one.
I caught a fun picture of a bee - yes, I kept a very good distance!
Ry wasn't sure what to think of all the colorful leaves!