Sunday, December 14, 2008

Lots of Random Pictures!

Well, rather than do several separate posts, I thought I would just cram them all into one to save time and space!
I like to call this picture "RyBrows" Yes, those are the sticky dividers that come in a book of stamps, I thought they made Ryan look like a comic book villain!
We are dog-sitting for a little while and Ry thought it would be fun to check out her kennel :)
Ry at the park!
Love this picture! I have no idea what he was concentrating so hard on!
This is what happens when you combine a toddler and a subwoofer.... not a good combination!

Ry looking at his handiwork - 9 wooden blocks, a foam baseball, and a sock!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well at least he is playing with the blocks! ha!!! Thanks GG right? ha! Mystery solved on the orphan sock in your hamper.