Thursday, October 16, 2008

Creepy, or Cool...

I can't decide! It's been a wicked awful day and to try and cheer myself up I dove into iPhoto and Photoshop to mess around with one of Ry's pictures...what do you think...creepy, or cool? I think my vote is for creepy, but the eyes are kinda cool...


Anonymous said...

He looks like a older cabbage patch boy - ha ! Cool background - it's like the world is swirling around him, but he's standing still and focusing on you!

Jennifer said...

Hi there! It was so great to hear from ya on my blog! Long time no talk! :)

Ryan is super cute!!!!! And you guys are in Japan now?! Holy cow I hope you're having a blast and enjoying it!! You guys look really happy!!

By the way, I like the picture! I love playing with photo software so for what it's worth I like your skills! :)

keep in touch!