Friday, November 21, 2008

Daddy is Home!

Daddy came home on Thursday and all the families got together to watch the Daddies fly in!
Yay Diamondbacks!
Hanging with our buddies, waiting to see planes in the sky!
Ry wasn't feeling too well, but he had some fun running around the hangar!
Ryan loved the jets!
They are home!
Daddy was the third jet in this row...

More jets!
Daddy's jet!

Our first family picture...again!


Anonymous said...

Glad to see you home safe and sound Brother!

Anonymous said...

YEA!!! I know Guy is glad to be home with his family again and I KNOW you are sweetie. God is good!

Jennifer said...

Yay! I wondered why Guy didn't seem to be in the pictures but I didn't know he was deployed. Bless your heart because I can't imagine being so far away from family during a deployment!!! I'm glad he's home with you guys just in time for the holidays!!!

Jennifer said...

I forgot to tell you that you look great too!