Sunday, November 16, 2008

So Pretty

If it wasn't for all the colorful leaves on the ground, I would have sworn it was Spring today! There were butterflies everywhere, the birds were singing, it was a gorgeous, gorgeous day!
We could even see Mt. Fuji! It's the snow capped one.
I caught a fun picture of a bee - yes, I kept a very good distance!
Ry wasn't sure what to think of all the colorful leaves!


Jennifer said...

Your weather looks great!!! Seeing the snow capped mountains always makes me smile, does it you? We can see Pikes Peak from our house and from pretty much anywhere in the city and it always makes me so thankful to live where we live! When we lived by the ocean you could only enjoy it while you were there then city life sorta takes over and you forget the blue water and sand. That's great you guys get to get out and enjoy the weather!

Anonymous said...

You have a incredible eye sweetie - submit the bee one to National Geographic - ha!!! Great pics!!!