Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Enoshima Aquarium

On Monday we went to the Enoshima Aquarium!
I always see this image on Japanese post cards so I just HAD to get our picture in front of it :)
The main tank was huge - I could have sat in front of it for hours! The giant school of sardines was as relaxing as watching a lava lamp :)
Ry and a couple of his gal pals watching the fishies!
The jellies were gorgeous...
So graceful yet so deadly!
Beautiful :)
I just barely snapped this before he got down to run around like a crazie!

Look Mama, a jellyfish!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how the heck did those pictures come out so clear without a glare or anything?? haha I'm totally jealous that yall went to an aquarium like that it's so cool.