Sunday, June 28, 2009

Ryan's Birthday Painting

Last year I let Ry paint a canvas for his birthday and it turned out so neat I thought we would do it again this year!
He was very meticulous, only using the one finger most of the time!
I thought by adding one color to his pallette at a time it might reduce the mess!
He had so much fun!
Sweet boy and his masterpiece! 

The finished product... now I just have to find somewhere to hang it up!


mom said...

Great tradition to start sweetie...he'll have a whole wall in no time! - heartfelt keepsakes...

The Stiners said...

What a great idea!! I love it!!!! Can I snag the idea?? Pretty please?

Awwww, that is just so sweet to always have his handprints!!!

Sarah said...

Hehe, go for it! It was so much fun and now he goes around trying to put his 'handprint' on everything! :)