Saturday, August 29, 2009

41 Weeks!

Park Time!

A couple cute shots I got of the Ry Man at the park the other afternoon :)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Overdue and Ready!!

Well as of today I'm 5 days past lil one's due date and I'm ready to meet this little man already!
1 Day Overdue - All the Officer Spouses here on base got together for "BadGirl Ball" (remember the schoolgirl outfits from last year?) Anyways, obviously I didn't fit into an OctoberFest Girl costume like the rest of the gals of our squadron, so I ended up wearing a Diamondback jersey instead! Didn't hang out for too long, but had a really good time!
2 Days Overdue - Guy took this picture of Ry and I before we left for church :)

4 Days Overdue - Ryan actually took this picture yesterday when he was playing with my camera! I thought it was surprisingly artistic :)

Friday, August 14, 2009

Sunday, August 9, 2009


38.5 weeks and counting...

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Baby Belly Photos!

A few weeks ago I had some maternity photos taken and I'm really pleased with how they turned out!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Sushi Night!

Tonight Ry and I went to our favorite Sushi place - The Fish Tank (at least that's what it's called by people who don't speak Japanese!)
Ryan actually insisted on trying one of my negitoro rolls (chopped tuna and green onion)
He actually seemed to really like it - you go boy!
After I was finished he asked for my soy sauce and used it to dip his hotdogs and cheese in... and then his grapes as well! The owner and his wife got a big kick out of that!
Ryan had a blast playing peek-a-boo with the owner's wife - they've known him since we moved here and he was little - they are big fans of the RyMan to say the least :)

Mommy and her little man after their wonderful dinner date!