Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Overdue and Ready!!

Well as of today I'm 5 days past lil one's due date and I'm ready to meet this little man already!
1 Day Overdue - All the Officer Spouses here on base got together for "BadGirl Ball" (remember the schoolgirl outfits from last year?) Anyways, obviously I didn't fit into an OctoberFest Girl costume like the rest of the gals of our squadron, so I ended up wearing a Diamondback jersey instead! Didn't hang out for too long, but had a really good time!
2 Days Overdue - Guy took this picture of Ry and I before we left for church :)

4 Days Overdue - Ryan actually took this picture yesterday when he was playing with my camera! I thought it was surprisingly artistic :)

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