Saturday, January 9, 2010

Catching Up!

Whew, well it's been a crazy holiday season and I'm hoping this week we'll be able to get back to our normal routine! Here's a few snippets of what we've been up to :)
Ry wanted Nathan to wear this "hat" and got a bit upset when it kept slipping off!
Sweet boys - I'm finally able to get pictures of them together!
Nathan practicing his goofy faces!
Ry had a stomach bug and was camped out on the couch for a couple days... yet he was still happy to smile for the camera!
Sweet brothers hanging out :)
Sweet potatoes!!!
I LOVE that this is what I see every time I hold this little goober - always smiling!
Having issues with Mommy's cake pan!

It must have been a pink kind of day!

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