Thursday, February 25, 2010

A little photo snack :)

Ok, I admit I'm way behind on updating the blog! I promise I'll get my act together soon, but until then, here are a few I snapped of lil bit this morning :)
Ugh, he's just too darn cute!
Working on my sitting! As long as I'm focused on something in front of me I'm ok, but as soon as I get distracted.... it's all over!
His "I wonder what I can get away with" look!

And yes, he is this happy ALL the time - he's insanely fun to be around, constantly smiling! I even had a babysitter tell me last night that both he and Ryan were the easiest and happiest boys she has ever watched and she really hoped I would call her to watch them again!! I can't ask for anything more than that :)

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