Saturday, October 23, 2010

Autumn Pictures!

Since there aren't any pumpkin patches here in Japan let alone orange pumpkins, we have to improvise!
We get orange pumpkins shipped to our Commissary from the United States! (In Japan, pumpkins are dark green)
Such cuties!
Not sure why Ryan is cross-eyed, but Nathan looks darn cute :)
Sweet Brothers :)
Still can't believe how big he is getting!
Same with this one!
Love this one :)
Nathan's new way to go down the slides!



GG said...

I absolutely love your pictures and the eye you have for them!!! PRECIOUS sweetie - give my grandsons snuggles from their GG and hug yourself too :)

Anonymous said...

I cracked up on the pic where you said that Ryan looks cross-eyed...It looked like it was taken in walmart with a back-drop!! haha just how they are sitting and stuff It is SO CUTE!!