Wednesday, March 30, 2011

More March!

Yay, second post in one month... I must be improving??? :) A lot has happened this month and that is a complete understatement! We are still here in Atsugi and trying to keep life as normal as possible. The hardest thing for Ry has been all his friends no longer being in Japan - he's just too young to understand! I've been trying to keep them busy and excited about little daily things and I think we're going to be just fine!
LOVE this picture - Nathan was playing shy and it made for a really fun shot!
This is what happens when I let the boys play in their room for more than 10 minutes upon waking up in the morning - yikes! P.S. all those toys were upstairs by Ryan - goober!
Busy coloring!
Daddy loves before he had to leave again! (P.S. Guy and the rest of the squadron are still in Guam, not sure when they will be back)
Nathan is very sneaky and always manages to steal Daddy's 'hat' when he comes home!
One of Ryan's (many) I'm sorry hugs :)
Kiddo loves bananas!
He totally knows how cute he is!
Ry is so smart on the iPad... it's scary sometimes!
Silly boy!
'THE' picture! - such a booger! He was waiting patiently for his blueberry waffle to pop up in the toaster
Flying Nathan!
Ryan's turn!
Yucky rainy day... time to color!
And put up a tent in the livingroom!
So much fun!
Riding the Thomas train out in town!
So exciting!
Watching big brother play in the ball pit :)
He's getting way too big on me!
Loves to swing :)
Love that face!

Found a picnic/water table on clearance in Zama - the boys LOVE it and have their lunch outside each day!

1 comment:

GG said...

Great pictures sweetie - glad they got a picnic table - that was on my GG list...