Monday, May 2, 2011

Easter and Beyond...

I was raining cats and dogs the Saturday before Easter so our base egg hunt was moved indoors! Nathan had a ton of fun searching for eggs behind the little obstacles they set up!
Ryan had a blast too, but he was a little wary of charging out and potentially taking eggs from other kiddos - sweetie at heart!
Time to color eggs!
All marked up and ready to dye!
Ryan made sure to try every color...
and was so careful!
He could have done this all day long if I had let him.... also if I had an unlimited supply of boiled eggs!
2011 Easter Eggs complete!!
He had been playing Angry Birds on the iPad and asked me to make him a mustache like the piggies in the game... I think he looks like you Daddy!
Easter morning baskets! He was a little excited :)
So much fun!
Love the embroidered baskets I got them this year... we'll use them forever!
Gorgeous morning at the bouncy cloud park as we call it!
The boys bounced until they couldn't bounce anymore!
The japanese were having a golf clinic nearby so we were the only ones bouncing!!
"playing" a memory game!
Nathan loves to imitate Ryan - he insists on picking out undies after bath time just like his older brother!
Goofy boy!
Went to the Rollie Slide Park the other day!
The boys had a great time!

Ryan even caught a ride back to the car :)

1 comment:

mom said...

Enjoyed the pictures sweetie..They are growing up so fast...Loved how you are keeping the Easter egg coloring tradition AND the Easter morning baskets, warms my heart...