Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A Few More :)

Well, Nathan has been working on some more teeth and apparently likes to chew on... socks?? Goober :)
He thinks he's pretty funny...
Ry man having fun at a local park :)
All bathed, dressed, and ready for bed!
Sweet boys :)
Just messing around with the camera!
He's always so inquisitive :)
Soaking up the sunshine! It's finally turned into a beautiful Spring here in Japan - I hope it sticks around for a while!!
Checking out a new playground here on base!
Ry loves to play catch, and he's got quite the arm too!
Nathan was excited to get to slide too!
Checking out the new playground :)
So cute!
Always investigating something :)

Love 'em!

1 comment:

GG said...

Great pictures sweetie - the joy of these boys are reflected because of you!!! Love yoU!!