Thursday, May 13, 2010


It looks like I'll be doing giant, random picture posts for a while - at least until I get back into the routine of updating every time I empty the camera! :)
Nathan and I were chillin' in the shade while Ry and Daddy played on the playground!
Don't let this picture fool you - no crawling yet... it's so difficult for him to get traction on that slick floor!
..but we're getting there!
Whenever I'm taking pictures of Nathan, Ry always insists on having his picture taken too :)
Oh yes, I've got a trouble maker in the making!
I left to go put some laundry away and make a phone call and came back to this mess! It was all Nathan! I think by this point he was under the toy table :)
Ry's good buddy Maddie turned 3 a few days ago!
Sushi night!
It's crazy to think that the first time we came here to eat, Ry was as big as Nathan!
Ry loves to help me water the flowers :)
All snazzied up for Mother's Day!
Love these boogers!
Well I know that people say that everything is bigger in Texas... well those people have never seen the bugs in Japan! This was a centipede I found in the entryway on my way up to bed - yuck! I ran away pretty quick, but Guy said that it was so big he could actually HEAR it moving around! ICK!!!
Silly boy!
Love that smile!
Poor Cooper got fixed a few days ago... he wasn't too happy about the cone!
Rollie Pollie Bug!
I always feed Nathan his night time bottle on the couch, and Max decided he wanted snuggles too!
It's amazing to think that all 5 of us fit into this ONE shot.... :)
Sweet boys!
Well, I was driving home from teaching a class out in town and I got really excited to see this wall cloud!!! It was absolutely gorgeous :)
I thought for sure we were going to get some awesome stormy weather...

But all we got was about 10 drops of rain - I was so disappointed!!!

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