Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas Eve 2010

A bit of what we were up to the day before Christmas!
We have a few sets of Christmas jammies, so we had to start wearing them Christmas Eve Eve :)
Had to tell Ry to hold him tight!
Wait Nathan, come back!
Daddy made the boys a box tunnel for the livingroom!
It even had windows!
They had so much fun in it!
Nathan would throw toys in... Ryan would throw them out... Repeat!
Even Max got in on the fun!
Although his favorite place is the snowflake pillow :)
My boys :)
This is Nathan's "Mommy why won't you hold me!" face
Ryan was showing the camera the new car that Daddy brought him from Texas!
On our way to check out the base Christmas tree!
Stopped just long enough for a picture!
Nathan kept pointing to the twinkling lights - he loved it!
Ryan was pretty excited too :)
SO excited to open up Christmas Jammies!!
They were both really good about ripping into them :)

Hooray for Christmas Jammies!!

1 comment:

mom said...

Wonderful pictures sweetie - I can just hear them having fun!!!