Friday, December 3, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like...

Christmas!! Well we were super bummed that Daddy had to go back to the boat on Thanksgiving so we decorated for Christmas to cheer ourselves up!
This was the first year we've hung lights on our house and I have to say I'm pretty proud of the result :)
Nathan is working on his bottom molars so he has been quite the cranky boy lately - poor kid!
This picture was taken moments before he blindly ran full force into the couch and fell over backwards - goober!
He wasn't so sure about the santa hat :)
Ryan wanted to send Daddy a picture in front of the Christmas tree
Nathan thinks it's funny to hijack Ryan's blanket and run off with it... Ryan doesn't think it's so funny!
Last year we got a Little People toy nativity set... Apparently Speed Racer also went to visit Meewy, Josan, and Baby Jeeza :)
Such a fun toy set!
Nathan got this outfit from Aunt Lala and Uncle Ryder.... he wasn't so sure about it, but I thought it was darn cute!
Trying on a new conductor hat that the video store lady was giving out!
Ryan loves his new Thomas hat :)
Finally got the stockings embroidered this year, and got them hung with care :)
Up to no good as usual!
Silly little monkey!

He knows exactly what he's doing too :)

1 comment:

mom said...

toot Nathan - such 'innocence'...oh my...lights look great sweetie - glad you did them this year...wonder where you will be next year!! One can only hope MANY miles closer to us!! love yoU!